Boy Scouts of America: A Sinking Ship

It's been a while since my last post. As always, if you feel inclined to comment, please be respectful. All rude comments will be removed. Also, if you've never read my blog, I do discuss very sensitive topics. So if you find yourself getting offended by anything I write, please direct yourself somewhere other. I write because I enjoy it. And my writing is very much inline with my goofy and quirky personality. So please, don't take this too seriously.


I've never been an outdoors type of person. In fact, I've never had the desire to go camping or to learn how to tie multiple knots; that's not to say I don't admire the skills of being able to do such things. My brothers, for example, have been schooled through Boy Scouts of America on how to do many things which involve survival and camping. It's admirable to know and want to learn such things. After all, it is an honor to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, which, my one brothers has already done.

I remember attending an award ceremony, where I heard the Scout Oath. To make sure I got it right, I went to the Boy Scouts of America website. The Scout Oath is as follows:

"On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times;To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."

Pretty nice, huh? Simple and to the point. I mean, if you think about it, this would make a great personal oath for everyone. Helping others at all times, being mentally awake and morally strong; great qualities and standards for people to strive to live up to. But have the scouts really been living up to their Scout Oath? Are they still doing their duty to God and Nation? Has a recent event taken their reputation and turned it into an anomaly, of sorts? 

By now, my regulars know I hold a conservative stance on almost every issue possible. However, that doesn't mean I'm not reasonable and won't listen to/consider other sides of the argument at hand. In this post, specifically, I'm talking about the recent decision to lift a ban, which allows openly gay members into the Boy Scouts of America. (If you find yourself to be overly sensitive, this is where you should probably stop reading). This ban only applies to members and does not yet allow Scout Leaders (the adults) to be openly gay. Nonetheless, I have to ask:

What the flip is going on? And why the flip is it going on?   
Are you flipping kidding? 
Isn't scouts a "Christian" organization?
Did their balls fall off? 

So what's morally un-stright about being gay?
Seriously. What is going on? The Boy Scouts of America is notorious for doing community service and providing relief for communities in distress. The Boy Scouts of  America has been considered safe and healthy for young men to participate in. The scouting program has strived to instill morality and faith into its members. So again I ask: What's going on? Allowing openly gay boys/young men into the scouting program? Why? I suppose the other side of the argument is, 'why not?' Really, I'm not offended at the idea of equality for everyone. I'm not offended at the idea of loving people who we disagree with. But I do disagree with groups being pressured into conforming to the patterns of society. 

So I asked those questions above... time to attempt to answer them.

1). What the flip is going on? 
The Boy Scout of America lifted a ban on gay members. 

2). Why the flip?
I'd assume they lifted the ban due to pressure from the left. Some LBGT person or group who want to impose their beliefs and ways of life into an organization they have no business in. (Mind you, this is my opinion based on reading from multiple sources.)

3). Isn't scouts a "Christian" organization? 
I honestly don't know how to answer this question. So I'll present a few facts I found while reading on the BSA website, along with some other BSA sources. First off, the BSA encourage all members to believe in God (or at the very least, a higher power). The majority of scouts have an involvement with a local Christian church, which would lead me to believe there's a sort of connection to Christianity; this isn't to say Jews, Muslims or Hindu couldn't be in scouts. Another interesting thing, many scouts claim to be a "Christian based" organization. Now, I'm not sure if this is universal, or if different areas of the country are involved with communities/religious organizations in different ways. Furthermore, the Mormon Church is the largest sponsor and heavily involved with the BSA. For now, I'll leave it at this: The BSA encourages a belief in God, along with having a clean conscience and un-compromised morality standard. After all, the Scout Oath does say, "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God." Hmm... sounds a little theistic/Christian to me, wouldn't you say? 

4). Did their balls fall off? 
A gay, Mormon, Eagle Scout for equality. Hmm. I'm pretty sure
being gay is against Mormon teaching... .  
Does the fact that the BSA now accepts gay members mean that they don't practice what they preach? Or that they (the BSA) don't have the balls to stand up to liberal-progressivism and basically tell them to stop trying to corrupt something that is good and relatively uncontaminated by the poison called "pop-culture?" 

Honestly, this issue has nothing to do with punishing anyone. This issue has nothing to do with discrimination or hate against anyone, gays specifically. Anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy and should reevaluate themselves...seriously. The issue here is one of tolerance. I know it sounds crazy, but it's really not that far fetched. So just try to hear me out.

[I'm going to be honest, I'm still not sure how to properly approach this topic. I've always struggled with how to get my point across, while still seeming reasonable. I suppose with any controversial topic, the conservative opinion will be persecuted. Then again, please understand that I'm not sitting in a judgement seat. Nor do I have any interest in coming off as a member of Westborow Baptist...etc etc.] 

As an Orthodox Christian, it's tough. I turn on the news station and it seems as though there's always a group being targeted by the LGBT community for equality and rights... etc etc. I can't help but ask what happened to these groups having the equal right to say "No" to being ok with LGBT propaganda? What happened to the equal right of being able to stand ones ground and not cave into the pressures of society, without being slandered with hate and intolerance from the liberal-progressives, who think their opinion is somehow superior because their way of thinking is somehow innovative? (Whew... did you catch all that?)

Really. Whenever someone holds to their moral code that homosexuality is wrong, that person is typically labeled as being full of hate and being a discriminatory person. Or at the very least, persecuted for holding onto what they believe is right. But is this really anything new? I mean, really? The liberal-progressives are slowly getting their way by labeling anyone who disagrees with them as being closed-minded and hateful... Hmm... I'll just keep the words of Christ in mind: "Blessed are you when men revile and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in Heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

But couldn't one use that same mentality and turn the tables on them (the LGBT community)? You know, referring to the LBGT community as being hateful and bigots for not respecting groups who don't believe/agree with what the LGBT community stands for? I certainly would not label that as Christian behavior, so I dismiss that idea right off the bat.

Alright., anyway... So here I am, someone who has been around scouts for many years, due to family involvement. Someone who admires the BSA program as being a positive means of growing, learning and developing into young men. Honestly, though, it scares me how a group who takes pride in their promotion of God/religion, morality and conservatism is willing to compromise everything they are to appease a group who represents something which goes against God and morality.

It's as simple as: These are the rules. This is how we (the BSA) function. If you don't like it, go somewhere else.

Similarly to my blog, if you don't like it, don't read it. If you don't agree, that's fine. I'm entitled to my beliefs in the same way you're entitled to yours.

When it comes down to it, society is like a poison to itself. Becoming more and more "anything goes," and less and less holding onto what is good. I understand not everyone holds a conservative stance. I understand many people want LBGT progression. I understand many people want equal rights. That's fine. I don't want anything to do with it. I have enough of my own sins on my own plate. But if you want to drag yourself to hell, along with dragging other people with you, so be it. I don't want any... I'll pass. But really, what happened to the rights of groups to say, "No," to to LGBT and simply be left alone? Seriously, where's the respect from the LGBT community to not stick their nose in everything? Where's the respect from the LGBT community to not push their agenda everywhere they can? Especially where their view is blatantly unwelcome.

And again, it's not a matter of hate or discrimination. Consider this: As a man, would it be permissible for me to go into a busy woman's bathroom to relieve myself? Would it be acceptable to go into a women's changing room at the local mall? Chances are, probably not. Is it because women hate me being a man? No, of course not. In another vein, would it be acceptable for me to perform heart surgery without proper training and certification? No, of course not. Is it because people discriminate against me or hate me for not knowing how to perform heart surgery? No, not quite. Would it be permissible for me to golf on a course that requires membership to the Country Club? Unless I was invited as a special guest, the answer is: No, of course not. So what's my point?

Are any of these cases of hate and discrimination? No, of course not. These are all examples of people having rules and limits for being part of an organization or being able to do certain things. And that's the thing society doesn't want.

Rules. Limits. Boundaries. Nobody wants to follow them or acknowledge them, unless of course, it's their rule for everyone else. But even then, there are people who don't want to follow those rules. As if, everyone is the exception to the rule. There was obviously a ban on gays in the BSA for a reason. It doesn't matter the reason; the ban was there, so deal with it. There was a ban, and a small group didn't respect it. And look, the BSA has compromised itself for a small group of disrespectful knuckleheads who probably couldn't even recite the scout oath off the top of their head... as if that would matter anyway. If they didn't like it, they should have gone somewhere else.

At the end of the day, I'm very disappointed in the BSA, along with many troops, troop leaders and families who are involved with scouts. Really, it's not just me. This article and these words are inspired by those who have expressed their concern and disappointment with the decision to lift the ban.

I decided to do some reading and understand the other side of the argument. One of the most popular arguments is along the lines of::: By lifting the ban on gay scouts, they hope the young men will transform into being heterosexual, because they're doing heterosexual things. Haha... I just died a little from laughter (heavy sarcasm). Are you kidding? Probably one of the weakest arguments for anything I've ever heard. So then how does that account for all the women who love to go camping, hunting and 4-wheeling? I mean, they're doing so-called, "heterosexual" things... so does that mean all these women will turn lesbian? I don't buy it.

And also, why the hell should children by taught or encouraged to be attracted to the same sex? Why should the thought or seed even be planted? It's absolutely repulsive. Parents shouldn't even entertain the idea with their children. It's a setup for hurt and a setup for struggle. And again, it's not about punishing the Americas future. It's not about hate and discrimination.

The real issue here is being able to hold ones ground without backlash. The issue here is forcing the LBGT community to learn what tolerance is. The issue is about equality from both sides and tolerance from both sides.

Honestly, it's disturbing. This isn't how humanity is supposed to be. I'm a strong advocate of love and support. I'm an advocate of holding hands with our neighbors and working together to make this world a more loving, caring and safer place. But this simply can't be done if people, groups, cultures can't learn to at least respect each other. We don't have to agree and we don't have to see eye to eye. We don't have to look at things the same way or speak the same language. It doesn't matter our sexual orientation or what color our skin is. The whole point is that, in recent years, the words: Love & Tolerance have been shoved down our throats... in a very specialized kind of way. These words have been used to take uncommon beliefs and lifestyles and turn them into a societal "norm."

This needs to stop. People, groups, societies can't keep trying to change everyones mind. We must be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions based on what we believe. It shouldn't matter why I believe homosexuality is a sin. The fact is, I believe it's a sin and will not support any LGBT agenda. And I will continue to speak against it in a peaceful way, which means: no swords, violence or forcing my opinion or views on others. If people want to listen, fine; if people don't want to listen, ignore me. 

So that's just it. The BSA should have had the ability to simply ignore the issue... or at least say, "We have a ban in place, it's there for a reason. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. That's how it is." Those things should have been able to be said, and their words should have been respected. 

As always, I'm sure I've ruffled a few feathers... and maybe some of my frequent readers agree with me. Regardless, understand that I'm not writing out of hate or anger. I enjoy writing. So when I find a topic or something of interest, I take my personal beliefs and simply apply it. 

And of course, thank you for reading. 


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