
Showing posts from December 16, 2012

Touching base

I've been away from the blog for a while. Mostly due to my lack of inspiration to write. For a while I found myself preaching, rather than teaching. I suppose the two can go hand in hand...but I shouldn't be acting like a preacher or theologian. The fact is, I'm not.   I was sitting in my dimly lit living room last night and started reflecting on the struggles I face in my personal life, public life and spiritual life. I began to get emotionally upset at how spiritually weak I truly am. It made me happy to remember that the next morning I'd be at a monastery where I could pray and seek council from a beloved friend of mine who lives there.   As I was sitting on the couch, I started thinking of all the things that pull me away from God, and how I can change the direction I'm being pulled in. Right off the bat I came to the understanding that I don't have the fear of God that I should have. Not fear as in being afraid of God. But fear as in, keeping in mind that I...

How Great a God as Our God?

A rather scattered reflection...forgive my scrambled thoughts and sloppy writing::: Thursday morning I spent the majority of my day at Transfiguration Monastery for the celebration of the feast of St Herman of Alaska. It was quite a special morning. The Divine Liturgy and a wonderful visit (over lenten lunch) with the Mothers and Sisters of the monastery. I also had the chance to visit with Fr Tom Hopko, a well known speaker in the Eastern Orthodox Church in America. All in all, Thursday was a wonderful day. A feast day, a happy day.  The next day, Friday morning, I was a keynote speaker at a breakfast for a business organization. My goal was to talk about my experiences in different aspects of life, and how one thing always impacted another. The speech was about 35 minutes and I had no idea if I had any impact on the group I was speaking to. But after I finished my speech, it was a matter of minutes before half of the room had formed a long line to greet me and talk with me. T...