Reflections of a convert: John 4

I've had the privilege of meeting and slowly getting to know a wonderful family who recently joined the Orthodox Church. Art is the husband and father of the family, who has got a zeal for Christ and Orthodoxy. He read a few of my posts and liked what he saw. I told him he's more than welcome to write something and I'll post it. SInce he comes from a Protestant background, and now has a zeal for Orthodoxy, I'm excited to see what he comes up with. For now, this is the first post by Art: This is a meditation on John Chapter 4. I wrote this about a year ago. (The truth in love). Gods law is where His spirit resides and how we come to know Him. To worship in spirit and truth- they are both the same. This is a poetic hebrew double emphasis of Truth. The focus is not a building, or a religion, but a way of life. Worship is active service, of keeping the law through love, which is Christ (His yoke is easy and His burden light). We are still under the law, it has not been...