...Well, I Suppose It Means Something.

I'm taking a comparative religious thought class this semester. I have to admit, it's a wonderful course. It's nice to learn about other religions and to see how they intertwine with the differing cultures. Looking at the big picture, I see a colorful variety of religions, beliefs and practices to choose from. The diversity is rich and there's beauty in all of it.

Throughout the course, my professor has been very good at remaining neutral to all religions. This is good, because it's easier to be less skeptical of what he's teaching. At the same time, it concerns me how neutral he is. For me, I like to discuss religion on a deep theological level. Although I came to find out that most people have no clue how to go into deep thought about religion. Demographic wise, my class is primarily familiar with Christianity, though not very many actually practice the faith. Most people know the story of Jesus, and are convinced that most religions have a belief pattern which is similar to the Christian belief patten. This is not the case. 

In my class, it's difficult to look at eastern religions without the mindset of a westerner. However, I've been able to do so, and I must admit, my eyes have been opened to be able to appreciate the beauty in religions other than Christianity. Whether I agree with them or not, one cannot ignore the traditions and richness of other faiths.

Naturally, we all go through times of spiritual questioning. We ask ourselves if we're on the right path, if our way is the true way. There are times where we might believe there's a god of sorts, but we aren't sure what the goal of life is. Sometimes we aren't sure of what God wants of us or how we're supposed to meet the standards He has set.

I've gone through this a lot recently. Spiritually, I've been at the point where I could just walk away from it all. There have been things said and done that make me doubt religion as an organization. So I can say that I can totally relate to people that say religion is corrupt... etc etc. But then something will happen that gives me hope and reminds me that Christianity is the only way. Things will come to mind that reaffirm the Church is a perfect place. As I sit staring off into space, questioning all things around me, I feel fire in my soul and I start to cry. I cry bitterly and ask God for help and He pulls through.

I stand in Church, sometimes not even being able to focus. All of a sudden I think about the miraculous things I've seen with my own eyes. For example, myrrh streaming icons. For those of you who don't know what myrrh streaming icons are, here are some images of myrrh streaming icons with captions.

Miraculous weeping icon of St Anna. St Anna is the grandmother of Jesus, Marys mother. This icon has "wept" streams of myrrh from the eyes. I've seen with my own eyes, the icon being weeping, after being "inactive" for nearly a year. I could not believe my eyes, nor could the dozens of others who witnessed the event. I've also seen this icon when it has not wept. It's truly amazing. 

Our lady of Cicero. This icon is found at St George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Cicero, IL. She has wept streams of myrrh from her eyes. Many miracles have been attributed to this holy and sacred image. 

The Miraculous Hawaiian Icon. This is a replica of the Miracle working Montreal Icon. This one began streaming fragrant myrrh in Hawaii, a number of years ago. This icon has been touring the country, and I've seen it three times. It cannot be explained how the myrrh develops, other than it being a truly divine miracle. 

These things are truly something one must see to believe. Trying to comprehend these things does nothing more than cause more questions and confusion. I've tried explaining to other people and it just never seems to suffice. Having been witness to many myrrh streaming icons, along with hundreds of thousands (if not millions) across the United States, I just can't help but stress that this must mean something. Myrrh Streaming Icons: I suppose it means something...

At the end of the day, I suppose all I can do is simply leave it at:

"Glory to Jesus Christ!"


  1. your entire blog is an insult to human intelligence.

    1. Thank you. Insults are wonderful, especially coming from one who hides behind an Anonymous post.

    2. please... elaborate. I'm sure kentboy would love to hear your anti-christian rants about a blog you probably didnt even read


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