The Tree of Life: Taking the Blog in a New Direction

A friend of mine recently told me, "I've always felt comfortable opening up to you because I know you'll never judge me." He's right, I'll never judge him.

I've gotten a lot of negative attention lately and many comments which make me seem like an intolerant and judgmental  piece of garbage. Comments which describe me as being, "full of hate." Things which aren't so much hurtful, but rather, untrue. These comments are made by people who (for the most part) do not know me very well. It's fine to have assumptions about who I am and what I am. But please, save your energy of badmouthing me, and put it into getting to know me, or understand where I'm coming from.

Lately I've put a lot of my writing energies into the "No No's" of my belief system. Obviously this limits my audience because not everybody sees things the same.

So, I'll be starting a series on love, peace, friendship, patience, kindness, generosity, honesty and things that make people feel warm inside.

Along with these good things, I'll have weekly self evaluations and posting some questions, which you can respond to in the comments section.

I'm looking forward to moving in a new direction with this blog. Its true purpose is to be a ministry to all people. Please keep me in your prayers and continue to support this page by visiting and sharing links to your friends and family.


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