General Note

Hey everybody!

Just wanted to thank all of you for reading and supporting my blog. I know many of you are reading for multiple reasons. Some are looking for someone to relate to, some see this as refreshment and others see it as stupid.

Regardless of why you read or follow my blog, I must be clear that my articles are written to express myself. These are based off my experiences and interactions, my thoughts and observations. I'm not out to cause holy-war or anything. If you agree, great. If you disagree, great. If you don't care, great.

If you don't like what I post, don't read it. Simple as that. If you like what you read, continue to support it. I do my very best not to judge people for who they are. I do my best not to look down on anyone as individuals --  it's not my place to do so.

Yes, I'm very open on where I stand with controversial/sensitive issues, but it doesn't mean I dislike or condemn people. I simply condemn the actions. Again, I'm in no place to make judgements. But expressing my feelings or stance on a certain subject is harmless, as long as I don't cast judgement or negative words on individuals.

I also understand some of my posts aren't super detailed and descriptive, which could definitely make for misinterpretation. I apologize, I'm clearly not a professional writer. That being said, my writing style is unique. If it's not one that agrees with you, again, nobody is making you read my material. So please, if it's a headache, don't read my posts.

Thank you for reading and your support!

Looking forward to getting to know my readers through interaction on this site, as well as twitter and facebook!

In XC,


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