My First Post...observations

This first post is dedicated to a wonderful person, who was the first ever to suggest me having a blog. It's very possible she will be the only person who might read it. Haha. Anyway, I'll start with the most recent facebook status I posted. I anticipate it will get some attention. So, here we go...

The biggest problem I have with TV evangelists/the modern mega church is that more often than not, the face of Christ is replaced by the face of people like Joyce Meyer, Billie Graham, Benny Hinn, Rex Humbard & Joel Olsteen... just to name a few. The face of Christ is (without realizing it) replaced by the face of someone...who is surrounded by LED TVs, projectors, a full band, sound system and light show. Often, it's an entire production with a TV crew and all. In fact, I've been in churches like these where there isn't a single cross in the sanctuary. How sad is that? Isn’t the cross the ultimate symbol of life, victory and hope? How can a church justify having millions of dollars worth of musical instruments, lighting, TV’s, cameras, concession stands...etc... but not have a cross anywhere in sight? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the temple is the house of God, the place to worship Him. It's a not a venue to go see the "pastor" lecture for 40 minutes, sing some songs and sip on a coffee. It begs the questions: Where's the sacredness? Where's the holiness? Where’s the significance?

I’ve heard arguments on the flip side, but that’s an entirely different conversation in itself. 

Now, are these “pastors” of these TV shows and mega churches in it for the money? For personal gain? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve heard about wonderful mission work and charity work by some of these people. The question is, where does the sincerity end and the absurdity begin?


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